Our Values
What is Values Based Education? 
Values-based Education underpins the life and work of school communities, colleges, and other settings, including the home so that they are values-based. The term values-based implies that every aspect of life, both personal and professional is based on the way that values are lived. The purpose of adopting VbE is to inspire young people to adopt positive values in their lives so that they can be the best people that they can be and actively demonstrate the values in their daily lives, thereby helping to create a sustainable world. |
Values at Maple Tree Primary School
At Maple Tree Primary School, we were extremely proud to have the Values Based Education Quality Mark awarded in the Summer Term 2019.
At Maple Tree we strive to educate the whole child. With this in mind, along with academic study, Values education supports the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of learning. Having a strong core set of values ensures that our children and staff feel each Value has a positive impact on our school and the wider community. Although we consider a selection of core Values monthly, children and staff live every value, every day. During our VbE audit, a year 4 pupil said, ‘we have a Value a month, but we don’t lose the other Values.’
The ethos behind Values based Education supports every child and every member of staff at Maple Tree to celebrate success, promote resilience and high self-esteem. Values centred assemblies are held weekly and every Friday a celebration assembly, led by Mrs Bainbridge, is held to celebrate successes and achievements of children from each class. Staff achievements are also acknowledged at these times. We are very proud to say our school is a place where everyone is included and valued. ‘TAs are also valued in their role… at the beginning of the year… were recognised in a special assembly for them… adds to the team ethic at Maple Tree’..
Our Values based community aims to support all to:
- Improve behaviour and conduct by developing a strong moral, values led inner compass
- Develop understanding of what, and why Values are important in the 21st century
- Encourage all to live the core Values in all aspects of our lives, both in and out of school
- Promote Values in the way in which adults interact with each other and pupils
- Encourage all visitors to take account of our core Values during their time in our school
- Encourage parents and carers to support our core Values at home