Year 2 resources and support
We appreciate that keeping children engaged in their learning whilst at home is not going to be easy and so we have uploaded work for your child that can be completed both independently or with adult support.
For independent learning and games, we recommend using the websites listed on the Pupil page.
For more practical resources and worksheets, we have included a learning pack perfectly matched to the Year 2 content. With a range of resources, these packs will help continue the learning inside your home.
Ideas to help support your Year 2 child:
- Read everyday
- Write book reviews for the books you finish
- Keep a diary
- Practise spellings from the Y1/2 words list and put them into sentences
- Practise 2, 5 and 10 times tables
- Complete calculations using all four operations (+, -, x and ÷)
- Measure objects around your home and record the lengths
- Go on a 3D shape hunt, write the names of all the shapes you find, then make a table and record the number of faces, edges and vertices for each object.
- Collect some coins from your money box, list the coins you have and find the total amount. Try to make the same amount using different coins.