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Year 6 Sycamore Class

Welcome back, I hope you all had a fabulous summer break and are feeling ready to start your Year 6 journey.  I am absolutely thrilled to be accompanying you into your final year and supporting you through the challenges that lie ahead.  Though fear not, the year 6 curriculum is bursting with exciting and engaging content and will be a wonderful learning experience.  We will: for history, immerse ourselves in the life of a Brit during WWII; investigate energy sources in geography, whilst appraising sources that we use as well as others that are on offer, and develop our understanding of light and electricity in science.

Bletchley Park – our first trip – awaits us in Autumn 2 where we can build upon our learning in computing, science and history.

Then towards the end of the coming year, we have our statutory assessments (SATs), in May before capping off our year with a residential trip to P.G.L. in Grantham. Although we have a busy year in store, the trip in June is a fantastic way to end your time with us and prepare you for secondary school.

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me via the teacher email address (

There are three classes in Upper Key Stage 2 for children aged 9 – 11: Juniper (Year 5), Sycamore (Year 6) and Elder (Year 6). 

Teachers plan using the national curriculum and differentiate the work within their class to suit the children’s needs.


The Key Stage 2 team consists of:

Mrs. Rowley Yr5 teacher

Miss. Goodman UKS2 teaching assistant

Mrs. Walker 1:1 SEND teaching assistant

Mr. Neill Yr6 teacher

Ms. Cassidy Yr6 teacher and Key stage leader

Mrs. Daniel UKS2 teaching assistant


General Housekeeping

P.E: Sycamore have P.E on Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child has a full, named P.E kit.  Long hair needs to be tied up and jewellery removed.

Spellings: Weekly spellings will be given out on Wednesday. Children are tested on them the following Wednesday. Spellings are around a sound/homophone etc and consist of some of the Year 5/6 statutory spellings. Children are expected, as part of their homework, to write the spellings in sentences.

Reading: All children are expected to read their reading book for at least 20 minutes five times a week. This should be recorded in their homework diary.  It is your child’s responsibility to take AR quizzes in order for them to reach their targets each term.

Homework:  Year 6 will receive maths, SPaG and reading homework every Tuesday.  It is due back the following Tuesday.

Homework diaries:  The homework diaries are for the children to record any homework and reading that they receive/do, key dates and reminders.  We do ask that a parent/carer signs the diary weekly to confirm that your child has read the amount that they have recorded.  

Meet the Teacher presentation

Please see below for the presentation that was shared with parents at our Meet the Teacher session in September. This will give you an insight into how things run in Year 6. 

Termly Overviews

Please click the link to see what Year 6 are learning in the Summer Term.


Should you need to contact me, please do so via the dedicated email address 

Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.